Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Surface Research and Destroy Step 1

For our research and destroy project I decided to investigate the idea of destroying the documentation of the project itself through videos and storage devices. I thought about the idea of destroying a video and the only way to do that is destroy whatever drive or disk that it exists on. In a sense it would be about destroying documentation that isn't meant to be destroyed. Pictures and videos are our way of recording something thats meant to be a saved memory but by taking this notion of destruction of what is expected as means of preservation subverts the idea of video as pure documentation and a way to look back and perfectly recount that moment in the past. The idea is to take a picture of a flashdrive and load it onto only that and then take a video of destroying that flashdrive. So the act of destroying become the act of creating as a make a video from the destruction.

Because I don't want the photo or video documentation to exist in any other place than where it's going to be destroyed I won't post pictures or videos but record everything through writing in detail

So far for step one I have take a picture of a black 2G flash drive and uploaded it straight onto the flashdrive then deleted that picture from the cameras memory card so the picture only is on the flashdrive. 

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